Join our club and make a great recurring income




Click on the title and explore what our WEB CAM CLUB has to offer. We'll show you a number of interesting income opportunities. You'll even receive FREE support and assistance so you can introduce new ...


... to the club and earn some money before getting a PRO MEMBERSHIP yourself. Our club pays you a commission over THREE LEVELS for any new PRO MEMBERS who join the club under you. The one time membership fee is ONLY US$18.- and we assist you in a number of ways with promotions and income creation through AWC - AnyWebCam which offers 50% revshare, up to $50 per paid member, $0.25 per free join and 5% of any webmaster business referrals.

Free members receive a 5% commission over three levels. You can try the club out with a free membership for up to 90 days - that's a whole three months. The incentive here is to become a pro member and receive four times the commissions of a free member PLUS all the added benefits.

Pro members get paid a 20% commission and receive all the benefits our club has to offer, including free memberships in exclusive online groups which hold whole video collections. Join as PRO MEMBER and you can download your own virtual desk top girl, you get a puzzle maker program you can use to turn any photo into a fun game which will work like a viral ad making money for you continuosly, PLUS there are Fan Clubs like Miss Adrastea and a lot more ...

We use CoinPay as the club payment system. It's quite easy to have an account opend and ready for business. Just click on the logo below, look for "Not a member yet?", click on "Signup now" and follow the instructions. Open a free account to get started!

CashClicking is a very helpful program for bringing traffic to any web site or URL you'd like to get visitors to. Most TE's [Traffic Exchanges] are a good source for traffic and a great way to give an affiliate page some exposure so you can build a following around your own affiliate web site.

Earn Cash and get traffic to your site!